“Namaste. My name is Samar Khawas and residing in Bintole of Rangeli municipality-1. Previously, I used to grow vegetables in a very small area. But, right after the intervention of LWF/LCWS we increased our income through agriculture farm by cultivating seeds in almost 0.125-0.25 hectare of land. By selling the vegetable product, I earn NPR 7,000 to NPR 8,000 per week, and mostly during the season I earn NPR 15,000 to NPR 16,000.
We have now invested the profits in modern agricultural equipment and livestock activities. And, now through animal husbandry also we started to generate a good income. LWF/LCWS have provided us technical support to strengthen our livelihood such as assistance during lease land management, agri-input support, ensured irrigation facilities (water pump installation), provided crates for vegetable transportation, equipment for tunnel farming etc. Not only this, constructed a collection center which support farmers like us to bring our vegetable products for market purpose.
LWF/LCWS have formed a Suryodaya Agriculture Group where 25 farmers are involved, and I have been working as a secretary of the respective group, therefore, the group have significantly developed our saving cultures too. Talking about the total vegetable cultivation area of the group, previously we used to cultivate in 0.004-0.008 hectare of land whereas now we started to cultivate in 4.51 to 4.76 hectare of land. Prior to this, after group formation, LWF/LCWS supported us to manage 3.76 hectare of lease land for vegetable production, and also facilitated orientation about the agriculture quality production and enterprises which supported to enhance of farming skills and income simultaneously.
In particular, we have been cultivating vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, tomato, chilli, bitter gourd, cucumber, okra, gourd, etc. As the community’s income has grown, the children have been able to attend good schools, and the community’s behavior has improved. We don’t need to go abroad or to India for work because of the income from this farm is sufficient for all of us. Previously, house with straw roofs were common; now, almost everyone has a tin roof house. When there is little production, we sell it at the local market, but when there is a lot of production during the season, we supply vegetables to large markets far away in different part of Nepal, such as Belbari, Lakshmimarg, Itahari, and Pathari.
Lastly, I’d like to thank LWF/LCWS on behalf of myself and the entire agriculture group because of the Lutherans that we have being able to reach at this point.”